Bone implants financed for seriously wounded


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With the help of donations, we were able to support the production of further medical implants. Five patients with serious injuries received a custom-made bone replacement. These are their moving stories:

  • A soldier suffered severe injuries to his thigh, hands and spine from artillery fire in February 2023. Thanks to a 3D-printed thigh implant, surgeons were able to repair his leg.
  • A doctor who has been working on the front lines since the beginning of the war was diagnosed with a brain tumor. After a successful tumor operation in December 2023, she was given a suitable skull plate. She is in rehab and wants to continue saving lives as a military doctor.
  • At the beginning of 2023, a soldier was seriously injured in the head in a mine explosion. During the life-saving operation, part of the shattered skull bone had to be removed. In December 2023, a 3D-printed skull plate could then be inserted.
  • In Ivano-Frankivsk, a soldier's finger was saved with the help of an innovative cage model.
  • In December 2023, a custom-fit implant was used for the first time as a temporomandibular joint replacement in a patient with severe deformity and limited mobility of the jaw.

In our Project to help the wounded We support Ukrainian engineers with high-quality titanium powder for the 3D printer. In coordination with the surgeons, they produce individually adapted bone implants. The average cost per titanium implant in these cases was 584 euros.

In Germany, too, we accompany the treatment of wounded people and help them with the bureaucracy of health insurance companies and social welfare offices.

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