Large generator for the Lviv hospital


Since the start of Russia's war of aggression, many power plants in Ukraine have been severely damaged or destroyed. Without electricity, heating does not work, the pumps in the waterworks stop working, and operations cannot be carried out in hospitals.

Recently, the Military Medical Clinical Center of Lviv asked us for support. The hospital is the medical center of the entire western part of Ukraine and has seven regions under its jurisdiction from Volyn in the north to Zakarpattia in the south. It has 700 beds, 4 intensive care units and an entire floor of operating rooms.

In addition to injured soldiers, civilians are also treated there. The output of the existing emergency generator was no longer sufficient to operate all of the hospital's necessary equipment and departments.

We have already purchased several large generators and delivered them to Ukraine. Thanks to numerous donations, we were able to finance a suitable power generator with an output of 700 kilowatts. This means that all buildings can now be supplied with power in the event of a power outage. Special thanks go to KWS SAAT SE, the AKB Foundation and the Einbeck Diakonie Foundation in southern Lower Saxony for their generous support. We organized customs clearance and transport to Lviv together with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and in coordination with the authorities.

Thanks in part to your donations, the yellow giant is now doing its job tirelessly and reliably supplying the hospital with electricity.

At the beginning of February we were also able to a whole truck with 43 smaller power generators to Ukraine. The 6-kilowatt devices benefited 17 refugee shelters, two long-term shelters, and training and employment program centers across the country.

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