Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin was once again able to deliver an urgently needed supply of medical supplies to its partner organization Initiative Е+ in Ukraine. These include special thorax plasters from a renowned manufacturer that were specially developed for the initial treatment of chest and abdominal injuries. This dressing material is an important part of every first aid kit and is urgently needed by Ukrainian paramedics.
We have also handed over a powerful emergency generator to a hospital in Zaporizhia. Medical facilities and power plants there are constantly being attacked with rockets by Russian terrorists. Large emergency generators are therefore indispensable to ensure the energy supply in vital areas such as operating rooms and intensive care units.
The latest aid deliveries also include 700 tubes of Linosan ointment worth 7,000 euros, donated by Thaff Healthcare Consulting. We are making this ointment available to nursing homes and hospitals in Ukraine to improve medical care.