In our Medical implant project we were able to help six more people with serious head injuries. Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin finances the purchase of high-quality titanium powder. Ukrainian engineers use this to produce laser-precise 3D implants for the treating doctors.
Each of these cases shows how medical skill, volunteer work and a few hundred euros can change a life forever:
- A soldier suffered severe lower jaw injuries in a mine explosion. The missing half of the lower jaw was restored with an individual implant.
- A woman had to have most of her jawbone removed because of a tumor. Thanks to highly qualified surgeons and a precisely fitting titanium implant, she was given a second chance at a fulfilling life.
- A soldier was seriously injured by artillery fragments and one of his jaw joints was shattered. A custom-made joint implant will enable him to recover quickly and participate in society.
- A soldier suffered a severe head injury that damaged his hearing in both ears. With hearing aids and a titanium skull plate, his quality of life will improve significantly.
- A soldier was taken to the hospital with severe injuries and a massive skull hemorrhage. Doctors were able to save his life and a large part of his skull is now being replaced with a titanium plate.
- Another soldier was so badly injured that large skull bone fragments had to be removed in several operations. The insertion of a frontal skull implant is the last step on the road to full recovery.
Doctors in Ukraine are fighting tirelessly for human lives and a new quality of life. We are not leaving them alone and are procuring more titanium powder for medical implants. In the cases described, the material costs are between 406 and 567 euros. You too can help with a donation.