Thousands of emergency bandages delivered to paramedics



Together with the Leleka Foundation, Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin was able to supply Ukrainian paramedics and emergency doctors with 6,000 tourniquets in recent weeks.

The delivery of the life-saving tourniquets was made possible primarily by the fundraising campaign of the political scientist Jessica BerlinSince November 2023, she has been collecting with her #TQ4UA campaign Donations on the social media platform X – formerly Twitter. Over 70,000 euros have already been raised for the Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin aid project.

Tourniquets are emergency bandages that can be used to stop the flow of blood in the event of serious injuries. Every day, Ukrainian paramedics use hundreds of these bandage systems and thus save the lives of wounded people.

But when every second counts, the quality has to be right: a good tourniquet costs 30 to 40 euros. Cheap goods “made in China” are significantly cheaper, but the price difference costs human lives. With a volume discount, we can purchase high-quality tourniquets directly from the Ukrainian manufacturer SICH for less than 20 euros each.

Russia continues its brutal campaign of destruction against the people of Ukraine. Help by donating life-saving bandages. Together with our partners, we will ensure that the emergency medical equipment gets directly into the hands of paramedics.

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