Special ointment for children with tuberous sclerosis



Recently, Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin was able to improve medical care for 25 Ukrainian children suffering from tuberous sclerosis. This rare disease causes fibrous skin changes, tumors and epileptic seizures in those affected. 

Some children suffer from flare-ups in which large nodules form on the face that bleed at the slightest touch. The only effective treatment is an ointment made from the drug Rapamune.

Rapamune, which is actually approved for cancer treatment, is not available in Ukraine. In order to still be able to help the affected children, we organized the procurement of the tablets in cooperation with antares-apotheke Pharma Service from Hamburg. These were processed into ointment in a pharmacy in Lviv, which helps to heal the skin nodules. The cost of the aid campaign was 6,000 euros. Now 25 children are sufficiently supplied with the special ointment for a year.

Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin has been supporting Ukrainian families with medical aid since 2014. We procure medication specifically for children with tuberous sclerosis that can control the rare disease and alleviate suffering.

Further information about the aid project and support options

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