PayPal donation
Donation account
Recipient: Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin eV
IBAN: DE24 8306 5408 0004 8722 15
Germanche Skatbank
tax deductible donations
We are non-profit
Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin is recognized by the tax office as recognized as non-profit and your donations are tax deductible.
Donations from February 24, 2022
The Ministry of Finance has simplified the proof of donations for donations to support those affected by Russia's war against Ukraine.
So reicht für Spenden ab 24.02.2022 bis 31.12.2025 der Überweisungsbeleg bzw. eine Kopie des Kontoauszugs als Nachweis.
Weitere Informationen zum vereinfachten Spendennachweis
Donations until February 23, 2022
For donations up to and including February 23, 2022 and up to a maximum amount of €300, the tax office will accept the transfer receipt or a copy of the bank statement as proof.
Detailed information on simplified proof of donation
For donations over 300 € a donation receipt is required. Please send us a e-mail with the subject “Donation Receipt” and state your first name, last name, address, donation date, amount and payment method (e.g. bank transfer, PayPal).