Donations in kind for Christmas packages: First gifts handed over


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Together with the Ukrainian aid organization BO BF we delivered the first Christmas presents to children's homes in Ukraine. During this Christmas campaign, a total of 95 boxes of toys and other presents were handed over.

Children are the smallest victims of Russia's brutal war against Ukraine. Many have lost their parents - they have fallen, are in captivity or are missing. So that we can bring a little joy to more children at Christmas time, our collection continues.

By December 19, 1,000 lovingly wrapped Christmas presents will be collected for Ukrainian orphanages in Potsdam and Berlin.

What can you do?

  • Every child should receive their own package that brings joy and security.
    Fill a box with toys, writing and craft materials, cuddly toys and sweets. You can also help with practical things like hats, socks, flashlights or thermos flasks.
  • Add a small personal touch like a greeting card or a painted picture.
  • Please mark on the box whether the package is for boys or girls and for which age. Packages for older boys are rare and are especially needed.
  • Do not seal the boxes to facilitate the customs process.

Here you can drop off your package

  • AWO Babelsberg: Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 135, 14482 Potsdam
  • Piazza Toskana: Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 177, 14482 Potsdam
  • freiLand Potsdam: Friedrich-Engels-Str. 22, 14473 Potsdam
  • Manja Schüle's office: Regine-Hildebrandt-Haus, Alleestr. 9, 14469 Potsdam
  • Lichthaus Ammon: Jägerstraße 42, 14467 Potsdam
  • Bornstedt district store: Jochen-Klepper-Straße 7, 14469 Potsdam
  • District store in Kirchsteigfeld: Anni-von-Gottberg-Straße 14, 14480 Potsdam
  • AWO District Association: Neuendorfer Str. 39B, 14480 Potsdam, House 2, rear building
  • Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin: Nathanael-Kirche, Grazer Platz 4, 12157 Berlin-Schöneberg (open: Wed. 4-6 pm, Sat. 11 am-4 pm)
  • Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin: Yuliya Levit, Deutschtalerstr. 46, 12355 Berlin-Rudow

The willingness to support has unfortunately decreased, but the need is greater than ever. We do not want to forget the children who are in homes because of this terrible war. Every box is more than a gift - it is a sign of hope.

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