Transformer station arrived in Ukraine



We collected donations totaling 4,000 euros for the loading and transport of a power transformer. The station has now arrived in Ukraine and is providing a reliable power supply on site. This system replaces a transformer that was destroyed by Russian attacks.

The delivery consists of a transformer house with two transformers, each with an output of 630 kilovolt-amperes, as well as a medium and low voltage system. In total, the station weighs a whopping 30 tons and is 6 meters long.

The import turned out to be more complicated than expected in the short term, as new customs regulations to combat corruption came into force in Ukraine in December. The system has now been installed in the central Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk and is helping to stabilize the local power grid.

Russia continues to attack the power supply in Ukraine and cause considerable damage. Now, in winter, it is therefore particularly important to restore it as best as possible and to alleviate the suffering of the population. We would like to thank everyone involved, donors and supporters who have made this important aid delivery possible.

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