frequently asked Questions
Is Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin a non-profit organization?
Yes, we are recognized by the tax office as a non-profit organization and your donations are tax deductible. We regularly receive a Exemption notice, which confirms our non-profit status.
How can I donate?
You can transfer directly to our donation account or set up a standing order:
Recipient: Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin eV
IBAN: DE24 8306 5408 0004 8722 15
German Skat Bank
There is also the possibility to PayPal to donate and our projects at Betterplace to support.
Will I receive a donation receipt?
Donations from February 24, 2022 to December 31, 2025
The Ministry of Finance has simplified the requirements for these donations. The transfer receipt or a copy of the bank statement is sufficient as proof.
Detailed information
Donations up to and including 23.02.2022
For amounts up to a maximum of €300, the tax office will accept a transfer receipt or a copy of the bank statement as proof.
For donations over €300, an official donation receipt is required. Please send us an email with the subject “Donation receipt”. Please also state your first name, last name, address, donation date, amount and method of payment (e.g. bank transfer, PayPal).
Detailed information on simplified proof of donation
When will I receive the donation receipt?
You will receive your donation receipt in time for your tax return. If you are donating as a company and need the donation receipt earlier, please write us an e-mail with the deadline and the keyword “donation receipt” in the subject.
How are the donations used?
We use the donations for our aid projects. With monetary donations we buy medicine and medical equipment, for example. We often receive discounts from manufacturers and retailers. We can only purchase life-saving equipment such as fire engines, ambulances and power generators thanks to your donations. Among the Aid projects and at the News We continuously publish reports on the use of donations.
How can I donate while shopping?
Donate when paying with PayPal
With every PayPal payment transaction, there is the option to donate one euro to a charitable organization. There are no transaction fees for these 1 euro donations. Here's how to select Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin as your preferred charity:
1. Open our donation page at PayPal
2. Click on the small heart symbol
Donate for free with WeCanHelp when shopping
WeCanHelp cooperates with more than 30,000 online shops and donates 90 percent of the revenue. This means you can donate at no cost to yourself. To do so, simply visit our page at WeCanHelp and go from there to the online shop of their choice.
How can I organize an online fundraiser?
PayPal fundraiser
To start a fundraiser with PayPal, visit our Donation page at PayPal and click on the button “Start fundraising campaign”.
Betterplace fundraiser
You can also use to Collection campaign in our favor. When creating, choose his of our projects You then send the link to the collection to friends and acquaintances. You can see who has donated and how much has been raised. The donors also receive a donation receipt from Betterplace. When the collection is complete, you can transfer the amount to our project.