Pallets of painkillers for hospitals and paramedics



We recently received a donation of 10 pallets of painkillers. The delivery, with a total weight of 1.4 tons, consists of a total of 30,554 tablets.

We have transported this important donation in kind to the Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions in southern Ukraine. Paramedics, rescue workers and volunteers are tirelessly providing medical assistance to the people in these regions that have been particularly affected by the war.

Another part of the large shipment went to a hospital in Lviv. The health system in Ukraine is under severe strain due to Russia's war of aggression. International aid deliveries are therefore crucial to saving lives.

At Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin we specialize in medical support and work with experts from the healthcare sector in Germany, Ukraine and other countries.

Many thanks to everyone who made this great aid delivery possible. If you would also like to make a contribution, you can support our work with donations in kind and money.

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