With the support of our donors, we have been able to bring a lot of medical supplies to Ukraine in recent weeks. Volunteers on site, such as our partners from the E+ initiative in Kyiv, are responsible for distributing the supplies to hospitals, paramedics and doctors.
The most recent medical aid delivery consisted of 32 boxes and went to a hospital in Kyiv. Included were:
- Catheters and medications,
- Dressings, surgical masks and drainage systems,
- as well as physiological solutions and postoperative nutrition.
An ophthalmological instrument and a wheelchair were part of another delivery.
At the request of a hospital in the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson, we also delivered 600 packages of the drug Smecta and 500 boxes of the drug Almagel. In addition, absorbent dressings were distributed to 15 medical institutions in Kherson and the surrounding area.
In recent weeks, we have also provided additional medical supplies for the initial treatment of the wounded, including:
- Infusion systems, infusion solutions and oxygen bottles,
- Syringes, gloves and blood group tests
- and other medical supplies.
In addition, the Red Cross of Ukraine Prostheses procured by us are handed over to specialists who take care of the rehabilitation of injured people.