

[vc_row][vc_column width=“1/4″][vc_column_text]Date: April 2022

Financing: private donations

Recipient: Verletzte, Kinder, Reservisten, Familien auf der Flucht[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=“3/4″][vc_column_text]Am 6. April haben wir einen großen 24-Tonnen-LKW beladen und in die Ukraine gefahren. Unter der Ladung befanden sich unter anderem 4 Paletten (143 Kartons) mit Medikamenten des Berliner Herzzentrums, die nach Dnipropetrowsk geliefert wurden, weil sie dort derzeit dringend benötigt werden.

Another 4 pallets of disinfectants and medicines were delivered to several Ukrainian hospitals. These pallets came from the public organization "Zgraya", they help with the distribution of medicines and hygiene products on site. We work very successfully with this organization. An additional 12 pallets (over 450 boxes) of food, medicines and hygiene products went to Zaporizhia. The majority of these products went to reception centers for refugees, especially from Mariupol and areas where there is a real humanitarian catastrophe.

Thanks to your help, we were also able to transport 11 pallets (312 boxes) to Chernihiv. Backpacks, flashlights, power banks, tools and food - all of this, we hope, will make everyday life during the war a little easier.

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