Solidarity events for 10 years of war


On the anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Deutsche Oper once again organized a fundraising campaign for Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin. A proud 11,600 euros were raised through a collection of donations among employees and during the intervals of the sold-out performance of La Gioconda. The opera and its employees have already actively supported our aid projects on previous occasions with donations in kind and money.

On the same day, the State and Cathedral Choir and its support association invited people to a musical memorial service in the Berlin Cathedral. The donations collected there will also benefit our aid.

On February 25, the solidarity event "Peace and Freedom for Ukraine" took place in the Grunewald Church. The Berlin Senator for Economic Affairs, Franziska Giffey, was present and read from moving letters by Ukrainian women. The Chairman of the World Council of Churches, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, and theologian Markus Meckel also spoke. The event was organized by the director and cultural manager Günter Jeschonnek.

We thank everyone who made these important events possible, as well as the donors for their generous support. The people of Ukraine continue to urgently need international help, as Russia is mercilessly pursuing its criminal war of aggression.

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