Back to life with football



Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin supports a rehabilitation project for former Ukrainian soldiers, which is run by the Don Bosco Mission Bonn. Sport and psychological support are intended to help them lead a normal life again.

Since 2014, hundreds of thousands of soldiers have been defending Ukraine and its people from Russia's invading army. But many of them have paid a high price - they were seriously wounded and only narrowly escaped with their lives. Quite a few have lost arms or legs.

Even when the wounds have healed, the road back to life is long and full of setbacks. Society often has little to do with the very people to whom it owes the most.

That is why Don Bosco has organized a project in Lviv, western Ukraine, that is specifically tailored to the needs of war victims. The association promotes rehabilitation with physical and psychological support as well as football training. The training is supervised by experienced psychologists and doctors.

25 people who have lost arms or legs are currently taking part in the project, which runs until the end of September 2024. We are now collecting Donateso that this special initiative can be continued afterwards.

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