Children's homes, therapy rooms & care facilities supported

At the beginning of April, Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin was able to provide five children's homes and rehabilitation centers in Rivne and the surrounding area, as well as in the Alexandria Kirovograd region, with comprehensive supplies. These included hygiene items, medicines, writing materials, baby food and cleaning products.

The Centre for Disabled Children in Shostka and the families in Sponsorship project are continuously supported by us and received new deliveries of non-perishable food and care products in April.

We have also equipped a toy therapy room with craft materials and cuddly toys. These facilities promote children's emotional health through play. At the same time, competent psychologists support families who are suffering from war-related stress.

Our volunteers were also able to hand over 60 mattresses and mattress pads as well as hygiene products and cleaning items to the psychoneurological boarding house in the western Ukrainian town of Myrohocha. Many patients from the war zones are housed there.

These deliveries were made possible by generous contributions from the drugstore chain dm, the International Club of Scoundrels and hard-working helpers from Berlin and Potsdam.

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