Charity exhibition

Children's pictures from liberated Ukrainian cities

Permanent exhibition

In Friedrichshain's East Side Mall we are showing moving paintings by children from Bucha, Irpin and other Ukrainian towns who were liberated from Russia's cruel occupation.

The pictures from the charity exhibition, handicrafts and traditional Vyshyvanka clothing can be purchased. By purchasing, you support the projects of the non-profit Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin.

Exhibition information

East Side Mall
Tamara-Danz-Strasse 11
10243 Berlin
Ground floor opposite Aldi

opening hours
Mon. – Sat. 12:00 – 20:00

Travelling exhibition

18.05.24 to 02.06.24
St. George's Church in Dortmund

26.01.24 to 25.02.24
Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe

20.12.23 to 10.01.24
Deichtorhallen in Hamburg

11.11.23: More than 30 Media report on the exhibition, including Stern, Spiegel, Welt, Zeit, FAZ and Süddeutsche Zeitung.

29.09.23 to 18.11.23
Potsdam Square in Berlin

Artists visiting

painter Norbert Bisky visited the charity exhibition on November 14, 2023 in Berlin.

He liked one portrait so much that he took it home with him.

The proceeds from the exhibition support our Aid Projects for the people of Ukraine.


You can find more information about the exhibition and many pictures here on Instagram.

The exhibition is artistically accompanied by the Berlin painter Alan Meyer.
