Sound of Light Documentary


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Using generators to fight rockets 

In autumn 2022, Russia began systematically attacking Ukraine's civilian energy infrastructure. Power outages were commonplace. Heating plants failed and hospitals could no longer operate. Without electricity, people's lives were in danger. The Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin team immediately decided to buy generators on a large scale. The diesel generators were to be used to produce electricity directly on site. After an intensive procurement campaign, it became clear at the end of 2022 that a truck full of generators would soon be heading for Ukraine.

Companion wanted

And so our association chairman Oleg Motus began looking for someone who would travel through Ukraine with the generators. The person had to be prepared to travel to areas under Russian bombardment. A volunteer was quickly found in Torsten Just. He didn't just want to help with the logistics and "take a few photos", but also tell the stories of the people the generators would help.

help is on the way

Torsten asked over 50 friends who could accompany him on his journey to film. Due to the potential danger, there were a ton of rejections. But after two tough weeks, two young Ukrainian filmmakers got in touch. The guys had already made documentaries for the large aid organization US AID. One day later, the truck full of generators set off for Ukraine. And the three-person documentary film team began a 2,800 km journey through the country torn apart by war of aggression.

The documentary film about the winter aid project of Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin is a Ukrainian-German co-production in English.

More about the aid deliveries

Instagram: @sound_of_light_movie

Large generator for the Lviv hospital

Power generators for hospitals and district heating

Generators for refugees and other needy people

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