Medicines and medical supplies


We had already been able to bring two transports of medicines, vitamins and medical supplies to Poltava, and now the third tour followed!

This time too, the transport went via Borys in Lviv, with longer waiting times at the border, but our Ukraine Aid drivers did not let this stop them.

This time, in addition to important medication and vitamins, there were also special devices and materials for accelerated wound treatment of serious wounds. Vladyslav Zakharenko from the Traumatology Center of the First City Hospital was very grateful to accept these. The tireless Larysa from the Rotary Club of Poltava once again helped with the reception and distribution, even though the long-running war is increasingly affecting our friends on the ground.

In Poltava (150 km southwest of Kharkiv), refugees and injured people from the east and south of the country continue to arrive every day. The hospitals are overcrowded and have severe supply shortages.

Outlook: With our upcoming fourth project and transport, we will supply a ward for newborns in the crisis area with medicines and equipment.

We want to realize this next transport and need your support. Every donation helps!

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