

[vc_row][vc_column width=“3/4″][vc_column_text]Sdonation collection tour through NRW

NRW is closer than you think in Berlin! On the fundraising tour through NRW (Ruhr area and Sauerland)

Dr. Gabriele Renner from Duisburg has donated several devices to us (such as an ultrasound machine and an ECG). These are already on their way to the hospital in Pavlograd.

And the ILS (Joachim Linnemann) company from Warstein donated 140 new, fully assembled lights. These are eagerly awaited in the hospitals in the liberated areas.

In Sauerland, the married couple #ElmiraClewing and #ChristianClewing are the ambassadors of Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin eV and have already raised many necessary donations in kind worth many thousands of euros!

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